Hawain sunsetvine

₹ 150.00 ₹ 180.00

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Hawaiian Sunset Vine is a woody climber, growing up to 14 m long. Leaves are ovate, heart-shaped, 16-20 cm, pointed or blunt, stalk as long or slightly shorter than the blade. Flowers are large, 5 cm, bright crimson-red, striped orange within, inspiring the comparison with Hawaiian sunsets

Hawaiian sunset vine, it is a climbing vine belonging to the morning glory family (Convolvulaceae).

Here are some key features of Stictocardia beraviensis:

  1. Appearance: Stictocardia beraviensis is a fast-growing, tropical vine that can reach lengths of up to 6 meters (20 feet) or more. It has heart-shaped leaves that are typically deep green and may have a velvety texture. The flowers are trumpet-shaped and can vary in color, often displaying a striking combination of red, orange, and yellow hues, reminiscent of a sunset.

  2. Native Range: Stictocardia beraviensis is native to tropical regions of Africa but has been introduced and naturalized in various parts of the world, including Hawaii, where it is commonly known as the Hawaiian sunset vine.

  3. Growing Conditions: This vine thrives in warm, tropical climates and prefers full sun to partial shade. It requires a well-draining soil and regular watering to keep the soil evenly moist. Stictocardia beraviensis is often grown as an ornamental plant on trellises, fences, or other support structures.

  4. Flowering Season: The Hawaiian sunset vine produces its showy flowers during the warmer months, typically in spring and summer. The blossoms usually last for a day or two before wilting, but the plant can produce a continuous display of flowers throughout the blooming season.

  5. Cultural Significance: Stictocardia beraviensis is popularly cultivated for its stunning flowers and lush foliage, adding a tropical flair to gardens and landscapes. The vibrant colors and unique form of its flowers make it a visually appealing choice for climbers.

Please note that Stictocardia beraviensis is a vigorous grower and may require regular pruning and maintenance to prevent it from spreading excessively or becoming invasive. Additionally, it is essential to verify the appropriateness of growing this plant in your specific region, as some areas may have regulations or restrictions on its cultivation.


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Hawain sunsetvine
₹ 150.00 ₹ 180.00