Welcome To Reemz Basket
Gardening is my passion and my profession. Personally, I enjoy the physical benefits, emotional highs, and stress relief gardening provides. Reemz Garden brings you the nursery online.
Jereniun Combo Offer 3 Plants
₹ 180.00 ₹ 450.00
Perfume rose combo / Fragrant Rose Combo
₹ 480.00 ₹ 1000.00
Hydrangea Combo 2 plants
₹ 180.00 ₹ 350.00
Orkid rose red and pink combo offer
₹ 280.00 ₹ 420.00
Biginers Rose Combo
₹ 280.00 ₹ 600.00
Ber Apple Red and Green Combo
₹ 300.00 ₹ 400.00
₹ 240.00 ₹ 320.00
₹ 390.00 ₹ 600.00
3 Panineer Roses
₹ 300.00 ₹ 450.00
Our Featured Products
Aglaonema Red
₹ 380.00 ₹ 450.00
Aglaonema Super White
₹ 380.00 ₹ 450.00
Pointsettia red
₹ 250.00 ₹ 280.00
Purple passion mango
₹ 250.00 ₹ 300.00
Jacaranda / Neela vaaka
₹ 150.00 ₹ 200.00
Changing Rose / Magic Rose
₹ 80.00 ₹ 120.00
Candle Vine
₹ 580.00 ₹ 900.00
Rosida Yellow / Golden Pende
₹ 150.00 ₹ 200.00
Rosida Red
₹ 150.00 ₹ 200.00
Double Petal Shankupushpam
₹ 80.00 ₹ 120.00
Yellow Papaya
₹ 80.00 ₹ 100.00
Daisy white
₹ 80.00 ₹ 100.00
Dwarf Karaka
₹ 120.00 ₹ 180.00
Rubber Plant Black
₹ 180.00 ₹ 200.00
Rubber Plant Varigated
₹ 120.00 ₹ 200.00
Lipote Fruits Plant
₹ 180.00 ₹ 400.00
Orkid Rose Orange (Fairy Orange )
₹ 250.00 ₹ 900.00
Orkid Rose Red ( Fairy Red )
₹ 250.00 ₹ 500.00
Fairy Rose Pink
₹ 150.00 ₹ 300.00
Super fairy Rose
₹ 250.00 ₹ 500.00
Fairy Rose White pink Mixing
₹ 150.00 ₹ 300.00
Mango yellow
₹ 120.00 ₹ 180.00
Nattu panineer rose
₹ 100.00 ₹ 160.00
Golden cascade/ Nong Noch Vine
₹ 120.00 ₹ 150.00
Cassia Biflora
₹ 150.00 ₹ 180.00
₹ 80.00 ₹ 150.00
Orkid rose red and pink combo offer
₹ 280.00 ₹ 420.00
Rose Maloos buy One get One
₹ 120.00 ₹ 240.00
₹ 100.00 ₹ 230.00
All season Gumless jackfruit
₹ 280.00 ₹ 400.00
Brazilian Perfume Guava/ Araca pera
₹ 150.00 ₹ 200.00
Kamini Mulla - maraMulla
₹ 120.00 ₹ 150.00
Dwarf Kaminimulla /Murraya Dwarf
₹ 120.00 ₹ 150.00
Multy petal Rangoon creeper
₹ 299.00 ₹ 550.00
₹ 100.00 ₹ 120.00
Water Jasmine
₹ 160.00 ₹ 180.00
Langi Langi
₹ 250.00 ₹ 300.00
Yesterday today tomorrow/ Brunfelsia Pauciflora
₹ 150.00 ₹ 300.00
₹ 80.00 ₹ 120.00
Tropical plum
₹ 380.00 ₹ 480.00
Lilly pilly
₹ 180.00 ₹ 250.00
₹ 380.00 ₹ 420.00
Milk Fruit purple
₹ 220.00 ₹ 320.00
Milk fruit green
₹ 220.00 ₹ 250.00
Red Nelli / Red Amla
₹ 380.00 ₹ 450.00
Cat Fruit
₹ 100.00 ₹ 150.00
₹ 180.00 ₹ 200.00
Calla Lilly Yellow
₹ 480.00 ₹ 650.00
Calla Lilly Pink
₹ 480.00 ₹ 650.00
Orange Flame Vine
₹ 150.00 ₹ 250.00
Calla Lilly White
₹ 480.00 ₹ 650.00
Calla Lilly Maroon
₹ 480.00 ₹ 650.00
Calla Lilly Black
₹ 480.00 ₹ 650.00
Chinese Lantern Plant/ Flowering Maple
₹ 550.00 ₹ 850.00
Foliage Anthurium / Elephent ear anthurium
₹ 480.00 ₹ 1500.00
Orchid rose
₹ 150.00 ₹ 220.00
PInk Jasmine/ American Jasmine
₹ 650.00 ₹ 1000.00
Chrysanthemum Yellow
₹ 80.00 ₹ 100.00
Chrysanthemum Violet
₹ 80.00 ₹ 100.00
Chrysanthemum white
₹ 80.00 ₹ 100.00
Garlic vine
₹ 100.00 ₹ 130.00
Daisy Blue
₹ 80.00 ₹ 100.00
Chaya Minsa /colostrol-cheera
₹ 80.00 ₹ 120.00
Jereniun Combo Offer 3 Plants
₹ 180.00 ₹ 450.00
DAP buy one get one free
₹ 120.00 ₹ 300.00
Crape Myrtle Black Diamond Crimson Red
₹ 380.00 ₹ 450.00
Loobikka / Lovelolikka
₹ 150.00 ₹ 200.00
₹ 150.00 ₹ 200.00
Ber Apple Red and Green Combo
₹ 300.00 ₹ 400.00
Israel Orange
₹ 280.00 ₹ 450.00
₹ 120.00 ₹ 180.00
Perfume rose combo / Fragrant Rose Combo
₹ 480.00 ₹ 1000.00
Papper White Climbing Rose/ Summer Snow Creeper Rose
₹ 150.00 ₹ 180.00
₹ 120.00 ₹ 150.00
Ownrootted Pearl Rose
₹ 120.00 ₹ 180.00
Arabian Jasmine
₹ 100.00 ₹ 150.00
Brazilian Red Clock plant
₹ 150.00 ₹ 200.00
Devadharu ash
₹ 120.00 ₹ 150.00
Snow of Kilimanjaro/ Christmas Snow Bush
₹ 450.00 ₹ 750.00
Tree Roses/ Standing Roses
₹ 750.00 ₹ 1500.00
Abhisarika Rose
₹ 180.00 ₹ 200.00
Bush Pepper
₹ 120.00 ₹ 200.00
Hydrangea Combo 2 plants
₹ 180.00 ₹ 350.00
Creeper Rose red
₹ 150.00 ₹ 200.00
Creeper Rose White
₹ 120.00 ₹ 180.00
Creeper Rose pink
₹ 150.00 ₹ 200.00
Snow rose / Serrisa Plant / 1000 star flower
₹ 120.00 ₹ 160.00
Rudraksha tree
₹ 180.00 ₹ 220.00
Bottle brush Plant
₹ 280.00 ₹ 350.00
Brazilian mulberry
₹ 380.00 ₹ 420.00
Orchid Rose Ownroottedplants
₹ 150.00 ₹ 220.00
Soap tree
₹ 100.00 ₹ 150.00
Ottormohini/ chendumulla
₹ 150.00 ₹ 200.00
Thozhukanni / Ramanamapacha/ Telegraph plant
₹ 100.00 ₹ 150.00
Baby Romantica Creeper Rose
₹ 150.00 ₹ 300.00
British queen
₹ 120.00 ₹ 180.00
Dwarf hybrid gandharajan
₹ 180.00 ₹ 300.00
₹ 80.00 ₹ 250.00
Butterfly pea tree / shankupushpa tree/ Clitoria Arborea
₹ 180.00 ₹ 250.00
Apple cherry /West Indian cherry
₹ 120.00 ₹ 150.00
Rosa Be bop
₹ 180.00 ₹ 250.00
Teccomanthe Hilli
₹ 120.00 ₹ 200.00
₹ 550.00 ₹ 600.00
Mosantha Red
₹ 180.00 ₹ 320.00
Calathia Peacock
₹ 380.00 ₹ 450.00
Calathia Rattle Hat
₹ 380.00 ₹ 480.00
Black eyed susan white
₹ 120.00 ₹ 150.00
Madagascar jasmine ( Mother plants)
₹ 699.00 ₹ 1000.00
Watermelon pepperomia
₹ 290.00 ₹ 500.00
Hawain sunsetvine
₹ 150.00 ₹ 180.00
Texasage/ Nikodia
₹ 150.00 ₹ 180.00
Red Passion fruit
₹ 80.00 ₹ 150.00
Camelia/ Wood Rose
₹ 180.00 ₹ 300.00
₹ 180.00 ₹ 200.00
Yellow creeper rose
₹ 150.00 ₹ 250.00
Orchid rose miniature
₹ 150.00 ₹ 200.00
Panineer Creeper Rose
₹ 250.00 ₹ 300.00
Culcutta 300
₹ 180.00 ₹ 200.00
₹ 100.00 ₹ 150.00
Cat's claw
₹ 100.00 ₹ 150.00
₹ 100.00 ₹ 160.00
Bauhinea Coccinea
₹ 580.00 ₹ 1000.00
Thanka Arali / Deccoma Yellow
₹ 80.00 ₹ 150.00
Curtain Plant
₹ 80.00 ₹ 150.00
Rambutan N18
₹ 480.00 ₹ 590.00
Yellow Rambuttan
₹ 480.00 ₹ 560.00
Rainbow Shower tree
₹ 280.00 ₹ 400.00
Orginal paarijatham / Citharexylum Spinosum
₹ 120.00 ₹ 150.00
Mandharam pink
₹ 180.00 ₹ 300.00
₹ 80.00 ₹ 120.00
Ever Green leafy plants
₹ 150.00 ₹ 200.00
Canadian konna
₹ 180.00 ₹ 220.00
Indigo powder
₹ 199.00 ₹ 350.00
Philodendron Birkin
₹ 450.00 ₹ 550.00
Chandhana rose
₹ 150.00 ₹ 180.00
Kammal Rose Pink
₹ 150.00 ₹ 200.00
Double delight rose
₹ 150.00 ₹ 180.00
Rosemary water
₹ 190.00 ₹ 250.00
Powder puff pink/Caliandra pink
₹ 120.00 ₹ 180.00
₹ 399.00 ₹ 600.00
Flaming glory vine
₹ 150.00 ₹ 230.00
Black eyed susan / Thumbergia Alata
₹ 80.00 ₹ 120.00
Kothukuviratty plant
₹ 100.00 ₹ 150.00
₹ 80.00 ₹ 100.00
Valli cheera
₹ 60.00 ₹ 80.00
Ber apple green
₹ 180.00 ₹ 230.00
Viytnamees blue braya/ Desmodium ( Bonasi making plant )
₹ 200.00 ₹ 280.00
Lemon vine
₹ 100.00 ₹ 150.00
Neer mathalam
₹ 100.00 ₹ 180.00
Petria pink /Congea Tementosa
₹ 80.00 ₹ 250.00
Tree Petria / Bush petria
₹ 250.00 ₹ 500.00
Petria White / Sandpapervine white
₹ 250.00 ₹ 500.00
Pomegrante Red Flush
₹ 220.00 ₹ 250.00
Violet Rose plants
₹ 120.00 ₹ 200.00
Beetroot guava
₹ 150.00 ₹ 250.00
Coral Berry
₹ 380.00 ₹ 500.00
Anali vegam
₹ 80.00 ₹ 100.00
Kadhambam / Rajaneegandha / Tuberose
₹ 80.00 ₹ 120.00
Panduri Mango
₹ 220.00 ₹ 400.00
Chocolate jack fruit
₹ 480.00 ₹ 600.00
₹ 180.00 ₹ 250.00
₹ 390.00 ₹ 600.00
Nishagandhi / Brahmakamal
₹ 150.00 ₹ 180.00
Black Rose
₹ 150.00 ₹ 280.00
Nadan Violet Rose /On rootted violet rose
₹ 120.00 ₹ 200.00
₹ 100.00 ₹ 130.00
Asparagus Fern
₹ 150.00 ₹ 200.00
Mandivilla pink
₹ 380.00 ₹ 480.00
Mandivilla white
₹ 380.00 ₹ 450.00
Mandivilla Red
₹ 450.00 ₹ 580.00
Monstera Broken Heart
₹ 100.00 ₹ 180.00
Lemon Grass
₹ 80.00 ₹ 150.00
Seetharmudi / Arbudhanashini
₹ 100.00 ₹ 200.00
Yellow Jasmine
₹ 100.00 ₹ 150.00
Red Pinnaccio
₹ 120.00 ₹ 150.00
Petria violet
₹ 180.00 ₹ 250.00
Ownrootted Starina Rose
₹ 80.00 ₹ 160.00
Kammal rose white
₹ 80.00 ₹ 170.00
Deccoma Mixed colour
₹ 150.00 ₹ 200.00
Biginers Rose Combo
₹ 280.00 ₹ 600.00
Deccoma Red
₹ 120.00 ₹ 180.00
₹ 80.00 ₹ 100.00
Snow Bush
₹ 100.00 ₹ 150.00
Cashew Plant( Dwarf Variety)
₹ 120.00 ₹ 150.00
Double petal Rangoon creeper
₹ 299.00 ₹ 500.00
Azelia Red ( Multypetal)
₹ 299.00 ₹ 600.00
Azelia White ( Multy petal)
₹ 290.00 ₹ 600.00
Be Bop Dark Meroon Butterfly rose
₹ 150.00 ₹ 180.00
White Njaval
₹ 380.00 ₹ 450.00
Margo costar Red
₹ 150.00 ₹ 230.00
Ruby Orange
₹ 120.00 ₹ 180.00
Floribunda Apricote Rose
₹ 120.00 ₹ 200.00
Dhantha pala
₹ 120.00 ₹ 250.00
White Cri Cri
₹ 120.00 ₹ 180.00
₹ 120.00 ₹ 180.00
Desmodium/ Viyatnamees Blue braya
₹ 200.00 ₹ 350.00
Jade vine red
₹ 850.00 ₹ 1500.00
Nadan paper white rose
₹ 80.00 ₹ 180.00
Blue cluster vine
₹ 80.00 ₹ 120.00
Jade vine Blue
₹ 1200.00 ₹ 1500.00
Shimshipa tree
₹ 800.00 ₹ 1000.00
Venesula Rose / Brownia
₹ 800.00 ₹ 1000.00
Manila Cherry plant
₹ 180.00 ₹ 400.00
Christmas cactus Red
₹ 390.00 ₹ 500.00
Christmas Cactus Pink
₹ 390.00 ₹ 500.00
Christmas cactus Orange
₹ 390.00 ₹ 500.00
Christmas Cactus White
₹ 390.00 ₹ 500.00
Margo co-star pink
₹ 180.00 ₹ 230.00
Margo co-star Miniature
₹ 180.00 ₹ 230.00
Balloon plant white
₹ 120.00 ₹ 150.00
Balloon plant blue
₹ 120.00 ₹ 150.00
Red Rich
₹ 120.00 ₹ 200.00
Snow shower / Clerodendrum Wallichi/ Akashamulla
₹ 480.00 ₹ 600.00
Butter Cup / vallaris solanacea/ Bread Flower
₹ 100.00 ₹ 150.00
Honey suckle
₹ 120.00 ₹ 180.00
Trumpet vine
₹ 180.00 ₹ 250.00
Hybrid Ladies kanakambaram
₹ 80.00 ₹ 100.00
Idampiri valampiri
₹ 120.00 ₹ 150.00
Rose mallow pink
₹ 100.00 ₹ 150.00
Mandharam yellow
₹ 180.00 ₹ 350.00
Mandharam white
₹ 160.00 ₹ 200.00
Ball supporta
₹ 250.00 ₹ 350.00
Banana Sapota
₹ 380.00 ₹ 600.00
Karimaram / Silon Ebony
₹ 180.00 ₹ 280.00
Rollinia / Australian Custard Apple
₹ 180.00 ₹ 320.00
Ownrooted Ahalya Rose (Summer snow pink)
₹ 80.00 ₹ 150.00
Golden Gardenia
₹ 180.00 ₹ 250.00
Ahalya Rose
₹ 120.00 ₹ 150.00
Fabulous Rita Rose
₹ 150.00 ₹ 200.00
Torch Ginger Pink
₹ 220.00 ₹ 380.00
Torch Ginger Red
₹ 220.00 ₹ 380.00
Thookkanam Kuruvi Plant
₹ 120.00 ₹ 150.00
Blue Ocean Rose
₹ 150.00 ₹ 250.00
CORAL VINE PINK / Antigonon pink
₹ 120.00 ₹ 150.00
Coral vine white/ Antigonon White
₹ 120.00 ₹ 150.00
Neelakoduveli / Plumbago blue
₹ 80.00 ₹ 120.00
Verigated Supporta
₹ 280.00 ₹ 480.00
New Veraity petria
₹ 380.00 ₹ 500.00
₹ 100.00 ₹ 150.00
Star Fruit / Carambola
₹ 280.00 ₹ 380.00
Ahalya rose Cousin brother
₹ 120.00 ₹ 200.00
Mayilanji plant / Mehandhi plant
₹ 80.00 ₹ 100.00
Bleeding heart white
₹ 80.00 ₹ 120.00
Bleeding heart red
₹ 80.00 ₹ 120.00
Peace Lilly
₹ 270.00 ₹ 380.00
Asparagus pine tree
₹ 150.00 ₹ 180.00
Birds Nest Fern
₹ 380.00 ₹ 450.00
Indigo plant / Neela Amari
₹ 100.00 ₹ 150.00
Love at first sight
₹ 120.00 ₹ 150.00
Sweet Ambazham
₹ 450.00 ₹ 550.00
Brazilian Kullan Guava
₹ 120.00 ₹ 250.00
Pink Piano Damaskas Rose
₹ 150.00 ₹ 280.00
Ownrooted Karishma Rose
₹ 150.00 ₹ 200.00
Seedless Grapes Buy one Get one Free
₹ 150.00 ₹ 250.00
Pink kammal rose
₹ 150.00 ₹ 200.00
Viyatnam early jack fruit
₹ 280.00 ₹ 320.00
Joseph Coat Creeper Rose
₹ 150.00 ₹ 250.00
Just Imagine Rose
₹ 120.00 ₹ 300.00
Ronald Reagan Rose
₹ 150.00 ₹ 250.00
₹ 900.00 ₹ 1400.00
Pink kri kri
₹ 150.00 ₹ 180.00
Yellow kri kri rose
₹ 80.00 ₹ 200.00
Barbera Bush Rose
₹ 150.00 ₹ 200.00
Dolly Parton Rose
₹ 150.00 ₹ 200.00
White kammal rose
₹ 80.00 ₹ 200.00
Thajmahal Rose pink
₹ 120.00 ₹ 200.00
Mister Lincoln Rose Pink
₹ 150.00 ₹ 180.00
Apricott Midinette
₹ 120.00 ₹ 180.00
₹ 180.00 ₹ 200.00
Seedless green grapes
₹ 150.00 ₹ 180.00
Rosella pink
₹ 100.00 ₹ 140.00
₹ 800.00 ₹ 1000.00
₹ 150.00 ₹ 180.00
Panineer Rose
₹ 100.00 ₹ 200.00